Tuesday, September 6, 2016

First Days

Published Sept. 6, 2016

By Martin Pillot

On August 16, 2016, the school started for the 360 students at Captain Elementary School in Clayton, Missouri. 60 of these students are kindergarteners. After two weeks, they were asked what they liked about captain. Here are their answers.

In the “Stars” class, seven people liked playing and three people liked P.E., or Physical Education. The other topics didn’t have much in them, just two for Kid Zone and two for Captain in general. In the “Hearts” class, two students were interviewed. The first one interviewed was Lucy Baum. She liked recess, and didn’t have a least favorite part of Captain. The next person interviewed did have a least favorite part, and it was naptime. This person was Yuze Li, the second person interviewed.

These kindergarteners will have a good time in kindergarten, and first grade too.  After asked, “Even though there [are changes] in 1st grade, will you still like Captain?” the ones interviewed said they would still like captain. The interviewed people are one third of the kindergarteners, but we need more information to tell if the whole grade likes Captain. It’s very likely, though.

Ms. Hwandes Talents

Ms. Hwandes Talents


By: Cole Zaroor

At Captain Elementary school, Clayton Missouri,Ms. Hwande the science teacher has a lot of really cool traits as you probably know, you just probably do not know them. For example, she loves to dance and is good at choreography.
“I have been teaching at captain for nine years, I was teaching science before I went to captain too. I taught at Jana and I taught 3rd grade science.” she said. Her mother inspired her to be a science teacher, her mother loved nature and science so she said it would be amazing if she was a science teacher. “I am extremely competitive.” she said. 
She started taking science education classes and Washington University and got her master's degree.
“I changed my mind a lot about my job,first I wanted to be a brain surgeon but in 4th grade I decided 

I wanted to be a science teacher.” Ms. Hwande says this is the best job she could ever have.

Sun Is Shining

The Sun Is Shining


By: Reis Dye

At Captain Elementary school, for five whole years students Wondered why it was up there, a sun up on the wall above the kitchen shining on the kids eating. Does it have something to do with the lunch room, how did it get there, and how does it help the kids students have been wondering, so the teachers and kids that goes to this school told me what the knew, the Principal Dr. Martin told me “It was a project that all the kids took place in”

Then the teacher who has been here the longest and loves this school Miss McD she has been here for 30 years she said “mosaics was the theme that year that Ms Picker the art teacher and the students wanted to help” the kids with siblings that have been here before told me so Jake told me “the 5th grade did like 20 years ago“ then Eleanor told me “I don’t know“ so I’ve got a lot of the shining mosaic information then I wonder if people without siblings that went here if they knew about the mosaic piece. I wonder if the meaning of this mosaic was not that that rare. Kate said “Ms. Picker help out with“ then I asked Ethan and he said “no“ so the sun is really shining Mrs. Marquart is really close to Ms. Picker and she told me “Ms. Picker worked with kids and their family to create the mosaic” said Mrs. Marquart

so the mosaic is the one that's really shining and maybe the sun will shine on forever. Does the new kindergarden know about the sun or will they wait to 5th grade to know

Preparing for School

Preparing for School  


By,Luke Baker

Preparing for school is difficult for some teachers. Most teachers at Captain Elementary School work all summer long preparing to have the best year for their students.  It is hard to be a teacher especially before school.
Here are some examples. Dr. Martin, principal at Captain ,arranges focus groups for teachers during the summer. A focus group is a group of teachers who are helping each other get back on track. The kindergarten teachers decorate their classrooms with bright color and flowers to make the kindergarteners feel at ease. Mrs. Becham said “I like to do projects that will have the team building structure.”  Mrs. Bladt, third grade teacher at Captain, decorates with pictures and signs.
A lot of teachers have to prepare a lot for one class, to prepare for a year takes a lot of time. Work can be challenging and stressful. But they remember who they're  doing it for.  When you get done with it you can have a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Field Day Secrets

Field Day Secrets


By: Eleanor B.

Field Day, the day that everyone waits for, the day that laughs are heard, smiles are shared, and games are played. Field Day, the day that seems perfect and is a breeze to enjoy, but no one really knows what it is like to organize this incredible event at Captain Elementary. H
ow hard is it really?
The planning starts at the beginning of the year, almost nine whole months of planning are put into this day. Supplies are collected, and games are chosen, teams are arranged, and activities are decided.
It takes P.E. teachers, Mr.Baker and Ms.Langenbacher spend almost three hours on the day of this event getting Concordia ready for all of the students. They load up their cars  with supplies and then drive them to the park. Even though the planning and arranging is hard work, the teachers enjoy Field Day almost as much as the students. “I like seeing the whole school working together and having fun.” Mr. Baker says.
“I love that it is outside at concordia and that Mr. Mayor brings out music and plays it loud. I love that parents come and help, and that we do it in community teams.” Dr. Martin says.
The 2016-2017 school year Field Day will take place on May 26, 2017. None of the Captain students will be able to wait that long!
When selected first, second, third, fourth, and fifth graders were interviewed, students answered the question “What is your favorite station at Field Day” and here are the results one student said that her favorite station was the obstacle course, two students said that they love the hula hoop station, one student said that she really liked the wax museum game, one of the  students said that she loves the parachute station, and another answered that their favorite was the tic-tac-toe station, four more said that they love playing tug-of-war, and two said their favorite was Invasion, five students said that they love all of the water games.

Mrs. Palmer Is Up For The Challenge

Mrs.Palmer Is Up For The Challenge


By: Hannah Z

The students at Captain Elementary school are wanting  to know if Mrs.Palmer is liking 3rd grade. Well, she’s loving it and she loves the people she’s working with, but it’s hard switching grades and it’s hard to let go of your past grade. Mrs. Palmer is missing 4th grade a lot, but she is still happy with 3rd grade.
The change must have been hard for her. “ It’s a challenge learning a new curriculum and the kids need more coaching than the 4th graders, but it’s not like switching schools. It’s also harder adjusting to 4th grade than 3rd grade.” Said Mrs.Palmer. Mrs.Palmer is still missing 4th grade. She’s missing chubs and her couch but she’s also missing working with Mrs.Belzer and Mrs.Hehner. Mrs.Bladt said that she is loving working with Mrs Palmer, and she is excited for the future.

The students in Mrs. Palmer’s class are also excited for the year. Stella and Sylvia are really liking Mrs. Palmer and so are Alex and Colin.(3rd grade students of Mrs. Palmer’s.) All of the kids were hoping to get Mrs. Palmer except Colin, but now that he has her he’s liking her. They are very excited for the future year and how Mrs.Palmer will impact them.

This all started in March, 2016  right before spring break when Mrs.Palmer found out she was 

moving grades. “ It was very exciting, but I was also nervous.” She said. “ I always call my kids 4th

graders and forget i’m teaching 3rd grade.” Will Mrs.Palmer keep teaching 3rd grade or switch

again? I guess we’ll find out next year.