Thursday, September 1, 2016

Field Day Secrets

Field Day Secrets


By: Eleanor B.

Field Day, the day that everyone waits for, the day that laughs are heard, smiles are shared, and games are played. Field Day, the day that seems perfect and is a breeze to enjoy, but no one really knows what it is like to organize this incredible event at Captain Elementary. H
ow hard is it really?
The planning starts at the beginning of the year, almost nine whole months of planning are put into this day. Supplies are collected, and games are chosen, teams are arranged, and activities are decided.
It takes P.E. teachers, Mr.Baker and Ms.Langenbacher spend almost three hours on the day of this event getting Concordia ready for all of the students. They load up their cars  with supplies and then drive them to the park. Even though the planning and arranging is hard work, the teachers enjoy Field Day almost as much as the students. “I like seeing the whole school working together and having fun.” Mr. Baker says.
“I love that it is outside at concordia and that Mr. Mayor brings out music and plays it loud. I love that parents come and help, and that we do it in community teams.” Dr. Martin says.
The 2016-2017 school year Field Day will take place on May 26, 2017. None of the Captain students will be able to wait that long!
When selected first, second, third, fourth, and fifth graders were interviewed, students answered the question “What is your favorite station at Field Day” and here are the results one student said that her favorite station was the obstacle course, two students said that they love the hula hoop station, one student said that she really liked the wax museum game, one of the  students said that she loves the parachute station, and another answered that their favorite was the tic-tac-toe station, four more said that they love playing tug-of-war, and two said their favorite was Invasion, five students said that they love all of the water games.