Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mrs. Palmer Is Up For The Challenge

Mrs.Palmer Is Up For The Challenge


By: Hannah Z

The students at Captain Elementary school are wanting  to know if Mrs.Palmer is liking 3rd grade. Well, she’s loving it and she loves the people she’s working with, but it’s hard switching grades and it’s hard to let go of your past grade. Mrs. Palmer is missing 4th grade a lot, but she is still happy with 3rd grade.
The change must have been hard for her. “ It’s a challenge learning a new curriculum and the kids need more coaching than the 4th graders, but it’s not like switching schools. It’s also harder adjusting to 4th grade than 3rd grade.” Said Mrs.Palmer. Mrs.Palmer is still missing 4th grade. She’s missing chubs and her couch but she’s also missing working with Mrs.Belzer and Mrs.Hehner. Mrs.Bladt said that she is loving working with Mrs Palmer, and she is excited for the future.

The students in Mrs. Palmer’s class are also excited for the year. Stella and Sylvia are really liking Mrs. Palmer and so are Alex and Colin.(3rd grade students of Mrs. Palmer’s.) All of the kids were hoping to get Mrs. Palmer except Colin, but now that he has her he’s liking her. They are very excited for the future year and how Mrs.Palmer will impact them.

This all started in March, 2016  right before spring break when Mrs.Palmer found out she was 

moving grades. “ It was very exciting, but I was also nervous.” She said. “ I always call my kids 4th

graders and forget i’m teaching 3rd grade.” Will Mrs.Palmer keep teaching 3rd grade or switch

again? I guess we’ll find out next year.