Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ms. Hwandes Talents

Ms. Hwandes Talents


By: Cole Zaroor

At Captain Elementary school, Clayton Missouri,Ms. Hwande the science teacher has a lot of really cool traits as you probably know, you just probably do not know them. For example, she loves to dance and is good at choreography.
“I have been teaching at captain for nine years, I was teaching science before I went to captain too. I taught at Jana and I taught 3rd grade science.” she said. Her mother inspired her to be a science teacher, her mother loved nature and science so she said it would be amazing if she was a science teacher. “I am extremely competitive.” she said. 
She started taking science education classes and Washington University and got her master's degree.
“I changed my mind a lot about my job,first I wanted to be a brain surgeon but in 4th grade I decided 

I wanted to be a science teacher.” Ms. Hwande says this is the best job she could ever have.