Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sun Is Shining

The Sun Is Shining


By: Reis Dye

At Captain Elementary school, for five whole years students Wondered why it was up there, a sun up on the wall above the kitchen shining on the kids eating. Does it have something to do with the lunch room, how did it get there, and how does it help the kids students have been wondering, so the teachers and kids that goes to this school told me what the knew, the Principal Dr. Martin told me “It was a project that all the kids took place in”

Then the teacher who has been here the longest and loves this school Miss McD she has been here for 30 years she said “mosaics was the theme that year that Ms Picker the art teacher and the students wanted to help” the kids with siblings that have been here before told me so Jake told me “the 5th grade did like 20 years ago“ then Eleanor told me “I don’t know“ so I’ve got a lot of the shining mosaic information then I wonder if people without siblings that went here if they knew about the mosaic piece. I wonder if the meaning of this mosaic was not that that rare. Kate said “Ms. Picker help out with“ then I asked Ethan and he said “no“ so the sun is really shining Mrs. Marquart is really close to Ms. Picker and she told me “Ms. Picker worked with kids and their family to create the mosaic” said Mrs. Marquart

so the mosaic is the one that's really shining and maybe the sun will shine on forever. Does the new kindergarden know about the sun or will they wait to 5th grade to know